Commander Power Systems Referral Program

Commander Power Systems Referral Program

You and your friends can receive 10% off* your next preventative maintenance service.

Commander Buck$$$ Referral Program Details:

Commander is committed to the highest level of service and equipment care for our annual preventative maintenance (PMA) clients – and we want to thank our clients who recommend us. Our Commander Buck$$$ Referral Program is a WIN-WIN for both our referring clients and our new clients.

Earn Commander Buck$$$. If a current Preventative Maintenance Agreement (PMA) client refers a new PMA client to Commander and the new client signs a 1YR, 2YR, or 3YR PMA, BOTH clients (new & current) receive Commander Buck$$$*

*Commander Buck$$$ are added to your account and have a value equal to 10% off next PMA service visit.
*Residential clients only.

To take advantage of this offer, please complete the form below.


    Referring Party Name (required)

    Referring Party Email (required)

    Referring Party Telephone (required)


    Referral Client Name (required)

    Referral Client Email (preferred)

    Referral Party Telephone (required)